Extraordinary Challenges
Campaign website for PwC. So challenging even the long title won’t fit on your mobile screen.
The Project
PwC does a bunch of things behind the scenes that no one knows about. From using big data to fight cancer, to helping a domestic airline fly international. In the firm’s first brand campaign in over a decade, we were tasked with creating a place for people to learn about what they do(but without being able to say what it was exactly, and who it was for). Challenging. Extraordinarily challenging.
The Idea
To tell these big stories with macro detail we needed some powerful visuals to really capture our audience and bring the stories to life in the most dynamic, visual way. We created countless beautifully rendered 3D environments, with detailed scenes within them, using computer generated graphics and human motion capture animation. In browser(and mobile), we framed all this with clear simple UI, all with the aim to take you behind the scenes of some of the companies most extraordinary challenges.
The Process
Months of concepting, sketching and storyboarding the scenes and how they would relate to the stories we wanted to tell took place while we worked out the UI and UX flow of the entire site experience. We had to ensure this also worked on mobile, and the content our writers would create would be brief enough to fit into small panels so as not to distract from the 3D renders that were also part of the story. We focussed on 4 different case studies, each with customized 3D rendered scenes.
My Role
Working closely with one of my favourite creative teams I’ve ever paired up with, my role ranged from design oversight to primary UI designer, jumping from meetings and presentations to on the tools.
UI Designer
UX Director
Digital Design Director
Team Leadership
Always start with the pen.
Storyboarding out the longer pages combining my hand illustration and PSD comps(hey this was 2015, remember!) was my favourite way to communicate the interactivity and visuals on some of the more in depth case study pages. The client would have an idea of what the visuals were going to be for sign off before we went into 3D, the creative team could get a better understanding of how the page was going to work, and our developer roughly know the UI elements, interactivity and trigger points for animation for this long vertical scrolling page.
The Awards
Not bad for the firm’s first brand campaign in over 10 years.
Site of the Day
Mobile of the Day
Silver Pencil / Websites
People’s Choice Winner
Silver / Digital & Motion
Wood Pencil / Art Direction for Digital Marketing
Communication Arts Annual
Honorable Mention
A collaborative team, for an extraordinarily challenging project.
James Cowie, Rich Kolopeau, Anna Farrell, Priscilla Odzredkar, Jeff Kopay, Josh Deitel, Jeremy Bernstein, Joanne Scannello