Pinterest Yard Sale
Campaign website and Pinterest ecommerce site for Krylon Paint.
The Project
In 2015, Krylon Paint became the sponsor of the World's Longest Yard Sale, which is an annual Summer event in the USA along Route 127, that spans 690 miles across 6 states. The creative team came up with the idea to promote this sponsorship by driving along the route, buying items, spraying them with Krylon, and reselling them online for charity. The method of transaction was going to be all through Pinterest, to coincide with, at the time, Pinterest's new BUY functionality – and so the world’s First Ever Pinterest Yard Sale was born.
The Idea
The idea was simple, in theory. Create an awesome custom-wrapped van, drive along the route and buy items, spray paint it, photograph it, then sell it on Pinterest, then collect all that money for a good cause. Actually not that simple at all. This project was a herculean effort by so many teams, syncing the timing of everything to ensure the experience was all live was just epic.
The Work
The various facets of this project were far and wide. We made: A website to track where the van was along the route, an ecommerece page on the site AND on Pinterest which had to be updated in real time, a custom designed van, TV spots to promote Krylon, a huge social campaign, Photographing (& painting!) 127 items that were purchased along the route, I am probably forgetting something there was so much to do.
My Role
I was the lady back at the office, at basecamp, receiving all the items as they came in, ensuring the design of the site lived up to the slick branding of our branding team, running the social visuals and posts, liaising with producers and our kind devs to build what we needed. Daily.
UI/UX Design Direction
Team Management
Campaign Video
The Awards
It was all worth it. We raised $2,000 for Wings Art and Craft Center charity, and selfishly my first Titanium Lion.
Titanium Lion
Silver / Integrated
Bronze / Cyber Web Campaign
Silver / Social Media
Bronze / Digital, Mobile
Gold / Social
Bronze / Events
Merit / Innovation in Social Media
Merit / Direct Social
Merit / Branded Entertainment
Wood Pencil / Tactical Digital Marketing
Shorty’s / Best use of Pinterest
Shorty’s / Best in Home & Decor
Digital Advertising
Next / Social
The First Ever Pinterest Yard Sale, Krylon
This herculean team spanned creative, social, production and digital. Everyone played their part.
Alex Miller, Josh Deitel, Lauren Brooks, Menno Kluin, Sam Shepherd, Frank Cartagena, Juan Carlos Pagan, Brian Gartside, Lynne Yun, Joe Haddad, Lauren Cooper, Erika Kohnen, Joe Calabrese